Inflation's Influence on Mortgage Rates

Inflation is an economic terms that can elicit financial uncertainty in consumers, investors and government officials.

We are all experiencing increases in gas, retail, and home energy expenses, and as inflation persists we can only expect cost increases in other sectors. The mortgage industry is anticipating an inevitable rise of mortgage rates due to current inflation indicators.

However, at the time being mortgage rates are still at a historic low (in the 3% range). So if you have been thinking of purchasing or refinancing your mortgage, now is the time.

Refinancing is a great way to pull out cash for home improvements, college education, starting a business, or purchasing investment property.

If you or someone you know would benefit from a cash out refinance, contact Premier Mortgage Consultants today! Secure your loan before the Fed prepares to hike interest rates to combat inflation.

John Katsaros, Premier Mortgage Consultants--

John Katsaros is the founder and president of Premier Mortgage Consultants. John has been in the banking industry for over 20 years and owner for 10 years. Prior to banking John graduated with a bachelors degree in Business/Finance from Washington and Jefferson College. John reviews his emails daily and welcomes any questions, comments or suggestions to

Posted on February 23, 2022 .